College of Science and Health > Student Resources > Office of Advising & Student Services > Graduate Advising > Forms > Administrative Withdrawal

Administrative Withdrawal

An administrative withdrawal (WA) exists to assist students who experience exceptional circumstances that negatively impact their ability to be academically successful.  

Requests that are medical, personal, or mental health-related should be requested of the Dean of Students Office.

In a situation where the student never participated or attended the course, a record correction (removal of the course) may be considered instead of a WA.  To avoid an automatic denial of your request, all necessary documents (completed form and instructor's verification of attendance) should be submitted to the CSH Office of Advising and Student Services no later than the last day of the subsequent quarter.  

Students should note that an approved Administrative Withdrawal will be recorded as ‘WA’ on official transcripts. CSH students may only have one successful appeal to the CSH Office of Advising and Student Services during their academic career. 

The CSH cannot offer any type of tuition adjustment or credit. When non-academic consequences apply (financial aid implications, tuition disputes, ineligibility of health insurance and housing, etc) students are directed to contact DePaul Central at 312-362-8610,, or SAC 101 to learn more.

Application for Administrative Withdrawal 11.30.23.pdf

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