Decision-making for administrative late withdrawals resides within the OneDePaul Office. These principles underlie the decision-making processes:
- All policies are driven by academic concerns.
- Decisions are guided by the best interests of the students.
- Decisions will be made in compliance with federal regulations.
Requests for late withdrawals from one or more courses in a given quarter must be submitted to the OneDePaul office by using the Late Withdraw online form. All requests must be submitted by the following deadlines.
For Undergraduate/Graduate:
- Fall Quarter: Last day of the last final exam of the subsequent winter quarter.
- Winter Quarter: Last day of the last final exam of the subsequent spring quarter.
- Spring Quarter: The end of the second week of the subsequent autumn quarter.
- Summer Terms: Last day of the last final exam of the subsequent autumn quarter.
During their college career, students may be allowed a maximum of 2 administrative withdrawals of which one must be of a medical nature. Each request may be for only 1 term of classwork. Classes with grades of C- or higher will not be considered for administrative withdrawal.
Students who never attended a course should consult with their academic advisor regarding the steps to correct their academic record.