7 Habits of Success for Online Classes
1. Time management: Set a calendar for all of your class times and when major assignments are due and when tests are scheduled. Also, the College of Education's Academic Success Center provides workshops and support for students to help with building study skills and setting academic goals, regardless of the student's home college.
2. Define your workspace: Try to create a private and distraction-free space.
3. Plan ahead: Develop a routine each day; it will help you build a routine and avoid procrastination.
4. Instructor help: If you find yourself falling behind or having trouble in a class, reach out directly to the instructor and meet them during virtual office hours.
5. Classmate support: Make friends in your synchronous classes, and create Zoom study sessions with them.
6. Celebrate small wins: When you do well on a quiz, exam, or paper, take a moment to relish your accomplishment.
7. Self-care: Take time for yourself to reenergize and decompress. Talk with your friends. Go for a walk, exercise, do yoga, meditate.