College of Science and Health > Academics > Psychology > Graduate Programs > Clinical Psychology (MA/PhD) > Child Track

Clinical Psychology Child Track

​​​​​​​​The Child track emphasizes training in developmental psychopathology, in the development of efficacious treatments for low income African American and Latino families, and the delivery of services for youth living in urban settings, ​including schools and community mental health centers. 
  • Dr. Jocelyn Carter's ( focuses on relations among stressors, chronic illnesses, such as asthma, and depressive symptoms affecting low-income urban youth of color.
  • Dr. Kathryn Grant's ( is focused on the effects of stressful life experiences on the well-being of adolescents and the development of interventions for youth residing in urban poverty.
  • Dr. Antonio Polo's ( focuses on early adolescents of ethnic minority and immigrant backgrounds, risk and protective factors for internalizing problems, and the tailoring and dissemination of interventions in school settings.
  • Dr. Susan Tran’s ( focuses on the relationships between biological and psychosocial determinants of health in children and adolescents. Current projects focus on physical, academic, social, and emotional functioning in youth with pediatric chronic pain.
  • Dr. Joanna Buscemi's (CHOICE Lab) ​research focuses on developing community-based obesity and health behavior change interventions for systemically oppressed children and families. ​
Program objectives are for students to acquire understanding and competence in psychological theory, research, and practice, with particular attention to developmental psychopathology, evidence-based treatments, dissemination, and program evaluation with children, adolescents, and families of diverse backgrounds. Our program's diversity focus is intended to promote students' understanding about the societal and systemic/ecological forces that have contributed to current manifestations of inequality for many diverse groups such as for poor, urban, and ethnically diverse populations and on how these conditions influence mental health, family/community processes, and access to mental health services.​​

The Clinical Program has four broad program aims:

  • To educate students broadly and generally about psychology and instill a commitment to life-long learning
  • To prepare graduates with knowledge and skills to engage in and shape research and scholarship
  • To prepare graduates for diverse leadership career paths in the practice of clinical psychology and more in-depth preparation in child and/or community applications and policy
  • To prepare graduates to work in the public sector, in an urban environment, with diverse ethnic and socio-economic populations, and with those who have been traditionally underserved by psychology​