To remain in the Pathways Honors Program, you must meet the following criteria. If you do not meet all of the criteria, you will be dismissed from the program.
- Retain a primary major in the College of Science and Health.
- Maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA at the concllusion of the spring quarter.
- Completing and logging at least 10 activity hours each quarter for a total of at least 30 hours per year.
- Activity hours include volunteering, shadowing, attending events or workshops, etc.
- Activity hours do not include hours for which you are paid or earn academic credit.
Pathway Honors Program students who have earned below a 3.0 cumulative GPA at the conclusion of spring quarter will be dismissed from the program. If you earn at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA within one (1) year of dismissal from the program you may petition to be reinstated into the Pathways Honors Program. To petition, you must email the Pathways Honors advisor at with your name, student ID number, current cumulative GPA, and a statement of 200-250 words on how you will maintain success within the next year. Once the advisor reviews your academic record and statement, the advisor will email you with a decision on reinstatement.