Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources
CSH Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources

The CSH Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Committee Charge

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee seeks to increase awareness of diversity and maintain and inclusive environment through sponsoring of programming for all members of the college, advising the dean on professional development needs and opportunities related to DEI, recognizing college faculty, staff and students who have made a commitment to DEI, publicizing information about diversity related events within the college and throughout the university, and encouraging and celebrating diversity within the college.

Support Services for Students, Faculty and Staff

Members of the CSH community have access to a large number of DEI resources at their disposal. Click on any of the links in the list below to find out more about what each of the units can offer you.

CSH Unit-level DEI Websites

Several units within the College of Science and Health have their own DEI-related websites. You may access them by clicking on any of the entries below:

In addition, the CSH DEI Committee maintains a D2L site of useful information about DEI. You must be a CSH faculty or staff member to access this site.