Anti-Racism Statement
An Acknowledgement of Racial Injustice
The DePaul University College of Science and Health (CSH) acknowledges the individual and structural racism embedded in our science, education, and healthcare systems. We recognize the culture of racial oppression and the history of European colonialism and white supremacy inherent science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields and health professions. These fields have largely ignored the needs of and contributions from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and have systematically caused harm to these groups. This has amplified underrepresentation of BIPOC individuals in the science and health fields and contributed to healthcare disparities and a distrust of science and health systems. Acknowledgement of these truths inspires a call for introspection and action. We must seek to practice our commitment to combat racism daily. We recognize the painful history and ongoing misconduct of scientists and healthcare practitioners that adds to the challenge and importance of our anti-racist work. In response, we firmly commit to disarming racism by reasserting diversity, equity, and inclusion as core values of our college and uniting students, staff, faculty, and community partners in support of our members of color and condemning racism in all of its forms.
A Call and Obligation to Take Action
DePaul University has affirmed the commitment, "as an institution, to combat racism by all available and appropriate means, and as a matter of the highest priority, preferably in continuous cooperation with affected communities." Examples of commitments at the university level include: strengthening existing diversity, enacting equity and inclusion programs and initiatives, and auditing organizational processes and procedures for structurally racist practices. Each college is compelled to initiate or enhance curricula to build understanding and empathy for those impacted by racism and to establish committees to pursue ongoing DEI efforts.
In the College of Science and Health, we believe that systemic change will compel our collective disruption of racist ideology and silent apathy, which has produced multiple forms of inequity and thus violence in our nation. This must begin with our work in the classroom and across the campus to listen and more fully acknowledge the acts of injustice that have engendered inequity and structural harm. It must also include work to challenge those in our wider community who view the inclusion and success of minoritized individuals as a threat.