Research and Applied Degree Programs

Research and Applied Degree Programs
Research and applied degree programs

Interdisciplinary engagement

Our graduate students are not just learning about a specific discipline, they are developing a toolbox - a set of skills that allow them to probe, analyze, understand, and improve the world around them.

A broad range of graduate degree options are available

Explore our academic program offerings in research-based and applied fields.  Simply click on the degree type to find out specific details on what your course of study will include.

Our faculty are passionate about discovering how the world works and making a difference, engaging students in the journey.

As nationally respected experts in their fields, faculty lead impactful projects, receive prestigious grants and accolades, and serve as experts in national and international conferences and media. Our faculty study everything from astrophysics to paleobiology to sustainability, and much more .

Check out our Research Discoveries and Faculty Awards for the latest innovations from CSH Faculty. Are you ready to apply? Click on the button below to find out about graduate admission, aid, and more!