College of Science and Health > Academics > Speech Language Pathology > Graduate Program > Speech Language Pathology (MS) > Sample Schedule

Sample Schedule

​​​​​​​​​The Master of Science Speech Language Pathology Program is designed to be completed in seven quarters with a Fall Quarter start. The fo​llowing is a sample schedule and is subject to change.


Cohort 4 (2024-2026)

Summer Quarter (2024)
SLP 332 - Aural Rehabilitation (if student did not enter with this course) (4 cr)

Fall Quarter (2024)
SLP 400 - Interprofessional Education (2 cr)
SLP 401 - Neurological Basis of Communication Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 421 - Language Disorders in Early Childhood (4 cr)
SLP 480 - Clinical Methods in Speech Language Pathology (4 cr)
SLP 489 - Foundations in Assessment Across the Life Span (4 cr)
SLP 465 - Cultural Responsiveness in Bilingual SLP (1 cr) elective

Intercession (2024)
SLP 503 – Assessment and Intervention of Speakers of Languages Other than English & Spanish​ (4 cr) online-elective

Winter Quarter (2025)
SLP 420 - Speech Sound Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 422 - Language Disorders in School-Age Populations (4 cr)
SLP 430 - Aphasia (4 cr)
SLP 481 - Clinical Practicum I (4 cr)
SLP 462 - Assessment & Intervention of Young Bilingual Children with Communication Disorders (2 cr) elective
SER 446 – Psych & Education of the Exceptional Child (4 cr) -online elective
SLP 490 – Business Practices for SLP (1 cr) elective

Spring Quarter (2025)
SLP 402 - Cultural & Linguistic Diversity in Speech & Language Development & Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 411 - Topics in Research for Speech Language Pathology: Evidence Based Practice (2 cr)
SLP 432 – Acquired Neurolinguistics and Neurocognitive Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 440 – Voice & Resonance Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 482 - Clinical Practicum II (4 cr)
SLP 461 - Professionalism & Advocacy in Bilingual Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective
SLP 495 –Swallowing and Communication in End-of-Life Care by Speech Language Pathologists (1 cr) elective

Summer Quarter (2025)
SLP 423 - Autism & Other Developmental Disorders (3 cr)
SLP 424 - Language, Literacy & Learning (4 cr)
SLP 431 - Dysphagia (4 cr)
SLP 441 – Stuttering and Related Disorders (3 cr)
SLP 483 - Clinical Practicum III (4 cr)
SLP 443 - Aural Rehabilitation (if student has not taken) (4 cr) elective
SLP 493 – Oral-Facial Anomalies (1 cr) elective
SLP 495 –Swallowing and Communication in End-of-Life Care by Speech Language Pathologists (1 cr) elective
Fall II Quarter (2025)
SLP 403 - Professional Issues & Ethics in SLP (2 cr)
SLP 410 - Research Methods for Speech Language Pathology (3 cr)
SLP 433 – Motor Speech Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 442 - Augmentative & Alternative Communication (3 cr)
SLP 484 - Clinical Practicum IV (4 cr)
SLP 460 - Research to Practice in Bilingual Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective
SLP 465 - Cultural Responsiveness in Bilingual Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective
SLP 494 – Trach, Vents & Laryngectomies (1 cr) elective
SLP 464 – Assessment and Intervention of Bilingual Adults with Communication Disorders (2 cr) elective
Winter II Quarter (2026)
SLP 485 - Externship: School (8 cr) OR 
SLP 486 - Externship: Medical (8 cr)
BBE 550 - Speech Language Pathology and the Bilingual Experience (2 cr) elective
SLP 490 – Business Practices for SLP (1 cr) elective
SER 446 – Psych & Education of the Exceptional Child (4 cr) -online elective

Spring II Quarter (2026)
SLP 485 - Externship: School (8 cr) OR 
SLP 486 - Externship: Medical (8 cr) 
SLP 466 - Bilingual SLP Service Provision Across Settings (1 cr) elective
SLP 463  Bilingual Service Provider, Family, Community, and Interdisciplinary Involvement (1cr) elective​

Cohort 3 (2023-2025)

Summer Quarter (2023)
SLP 332 - Aural Rehabilitation (if student did not enter with this course) (4 cr)

Fall Quarter (2023)
SLP 400 - Interprofessional Education (2 cr)
SLP 401 - Neurological Basis of Communication Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 420 - Speech Sound Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 421 - Language Disorders in Early Childhood (4 cr)
SLP 480 - Clinical Methods in Speech Language Pathology (4 cr)
SLP 487 - Foundation in Clinical Practice (1 cr)
SLP 465 - Cultural Responsiveness in Bilingual SLP (1 cr) elective

Winter Quarter (2024)
SLP 402 - Cultural & Linguistic Diversity in Speech & Language Development & Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 422 - Language Disorders in School-Age Populations (4 cr)
SLP 430 - Aphasia (4 cr)
SLP 481 - Clinical Practicum I (4 cr)
SLP 462 - Assessment & Intervention of Young Bilingual Children with Communication Disorders (2 cr) elective
SER 446 – Psych & Education of the Exceptional Child (4 cr) -online elective
SLP 490 – Business Practices for SLP (1 cr) elective

Spring Quarter (2024)
SLP 403 - Professional Issues & Ethics in SLP (2 cr)
SLP 411 - Topics in Research for Speech Language Pathology: Evidence Based Practice (2 cr)
SLP 432 – Acquired Neurolinguistics and Neurocognitive Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 440 – Voice & Resonance Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 482 - DePaul Clinic Practicum II (4 cr)
SLP 461 - Professionalism & Advocacy in Bilingual Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective
SLP 492 – Counseling Fundamentals in Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective

Summer Quarter (2024)
SLP 423 - Autism & Other Developmental Disorders (3 cr)
SLP 424 - Language, Literacy & Learning (4 cr)
SLP 431 - Dysphagia (4 cr)
SLP 441 – Stuttering and Related Disorders (3 cr)
SLP 483 - Clinical Practicum III (4 cr)
SLP 443 - Aural Rehabilitation (if student has not taken) (4 cr) elective
SLP 493 – Oral-Facial Anomalies (1 cr) elective
Fall II Quarter (2024)
SLP 410 - Research Methods for Speech Language Pathology (3 cr)
SLP 433 – Motor Speech Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 442 - Augmentative & Alternative Communication (3 cr)
SLP 450 - Special Topics (3 cr)
SLP 484 - Clinical Practicum IV (4 cr)
SLP 460 - Research to Practice in Bilingual Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective
SLP 465 - Cultural Responsiveness in Bilingual Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective
SLP 494 – Trach, Vents & Laryngectomies (1 cr) elective
SLP 464 – Assessment and Intervention of Bilingual Adults with Communication Disorders (2 cr) elective
Intercession (2024)
SLP 503 – Assessment and Intervention of Speakers of Languages Other than English & Spanish (4 cr) online-elective

Winter II Quarter (2025)
SLP 485 - Externship: School (8 cr) OR 
SLP 486 - Externship: Medical (8 cr)
BBE 550 - Speech Language Pathology and the Bilingual Experience (2 cr) elective
SLP 490 – Business Practices for SLP (1 cr) elective

Spring II Quarter (2025)
SLP 485 - Externship: School (8 cr) OR 
SLP 486 - Externship: Medical (8 cr) 
SLP 466 - Bilingual SLP Service Provision Across Settings (1 cr) elective
SLP 463  Bilingual Service Provider, Family, Community, and Interdisciplinary Involvement (1cr) elective

Cohort 2 (2022-2024)

Summer Quarter (2022)
SLP 332 - Aural Rehabilitation (if student did not enter with this course) (4 cr)
Fall Quarter (2022)
SLP 400 - Interprofessional Education (2 cr)
SLP 401 - Neurological Basis of Communication Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 420 - Speech Sound Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 421 - Language Disorders in Early Childhood (4 cr)
SLP 480 - Clinical Methods in Speech Language Pathology (4 cr)
SLP 487 - Foundation in Clinical Practice (1 cr)
SLP 465 - Cultural Responsiveness in Bilingual SLP (1 cr) elective

Winter Quarter (2023)
SLP 422 - Language Disorders in School-Age Populations (4 cr)
SLP 430 - Aphasia (4 cr)
SLP 440 - Voice & Resonance Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 481 - Clinical Practicum I (4 cr)
SLP 462 - Assessment & Intervention of Young Bilingual Children with Communication Disorders (2 cr) elective
SER 446 – Psych & Education of the Exceptional Child (4 cr) -online elective

Spring Quarter (2023)
SLP 411 - Topics in Research for Speech Language Pathology: Evidence Based Practice (2 cr)
SLP 424 - Language, Literacy & Learning (4 cr)
SLP 431 - Dysphagia (4 cr)
SLP 433 – Motor Speech Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 482 - DePaul Clinic Practicum II (4 cr)
SLP 461 - Professionalism & Advocacy in Bilingual Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective
SLP 492 – Counseling Fundamentals in Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective

Summer Quarter (2023)
SLP 402 - Cultural & Linguistic Diversity in Speech & Language Development & Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 403 - Professional Issues & Ethics in SLP (2 cr)
SLP 423 - Autism & Other Developmental Disorders (3 cr)
SLP 432 – Acquired Neurolinguistics and Neurocognitive Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 483 - Clinical Practicum III (4 cr)
SLP 464 - Assessment & Intervention of Bilingual Adults with Communication Disorders (2 cr) elective
SLP 443 - Aural Rehabilitation (if student has not taken) (4 cr) elective
SLP 493 – Oral-Facial Anomalies (1 cr) elective
Fall II Quarter (2023)
SLP 410 - Research Methods for Speech Language Pathology (3 cr)
SLP 441 - Fluency Disorders (3  cr)
SLP 442 - Augmentative & Alternative Communication (3 cr)
SLP 450 - Special Topics (3 cr)
SLP 484 - Clinical Practicum IV (4 cr)
SLP 460 - Research to Practice in Bilingual Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective
SLP 465 - Cultural Responsiveness in Bilingual Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective
SLP 494 – Trach, Vents & Laryngectomies (1 cr) elective
SER 446 – Psych & Education of the Exceptional Child (4 cr) -online elective
Winter II Quarter (2024)
SLP 485 - Externship: School (8 cr) OR 
SLP 486 - Externship: Medical (8 cr)
BBE 550 - Speech Language Pathology and the Bilingual Experience (2 cr) elective
SLP 490 – Business Practices for SLP (1 cr) elective

Spring II Quarter (2024)
SLP 485 - Externship: School (8 cr) OR 
SLP 486 - Externship: Medical (8 cr) 
SLP 466 - Bilingual SLP Service Provision Across Settings (1 cr) elective

Cohort 1 (2021-2023)

Summer Quarter (2021)
SLP 332 - Aural Rehabilitation (if student did not enter with this course) (4 cr)

Fall Quarter (2021)
SLP 400 - Interprofessional Education (2 cr)
SLP 401 - Neurological Basis of Communication Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 410 - Research Methods for Speech Language Pathology (3 cr)
SLP 411 - Topics in Research for Speech Language Pathology: Evidence Based Practice (2 cr)
SLP 420 - Speech Sound Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 480 - Clinical Methods in SLP (4 cr)
SLP 460 - Research to Practice in Bilingual Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective
Winter Intersession (2022)
SLP 461 - Professionalism & Advocacy in Bilingual Speech Language Pathology (1 cr) elective

Winter Quarter (2022)
SLP 421 - Language Disorders in Early Childhood (4 cr)
SLP 430 - Aphasia (4 cr)
SLP 440 - Voice & Resonance Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 481 - DePaul Clinic Practicum I (4 cr)
SLP 462 - Assessment & Intervention of Young Bilingual Children with Communication Disorders (2 cr) elective
Spring Quarter (2022)
SLP 422 - Language Disorders in School-Age Populations (4 cr)
SLP 431 - Dysphagia (4 cr)
SLP 432 - Acquired Neurolinguistics and Neurocognitive Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 482 - DePaul Clinic Practicum II (4 cr)
SLP 463 - Family Service Provider, Family, Community & Interdisciplinary Involvement (1 cr) elective

Summer Quarter (2022)
SLP 402 - Cultural & Linguistic Diversity in Speech & Language Dev & Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 423 - Autism & Other Developmental Disorders (3 cr)
SLP 433 - Motor Speech Disorders (4 cr)
SLP 403 - Professional Issues & Ethics in SLP (3 cr)
SLP 483 - DePaul Clinic Practicum III (4 cr)
SLP 464 - Assessment & Intervention of Bilingual Adults with Communication Disorders (2 cr) elective
SLP  443 - Aural Rehabilitation (if student has not yet taken) (4 cr) 
Fall Quarter (2022)
SLP 424 - Language, Literacy & Learning (4 cr)
SLP 441 - Fluency Disorders (3  cr)
SLP 442 - Augmentative & Alternative Communication (3 cr)
SLP 450 - Special Topics (3 cr)
SLP 484 - DePaul Clinic Practicum IV (4 cr)
SLP 465 - Cultural Responsiveness in Bilingual SLP (1 cr) elective
Winter Quarter (2023)
SLP 485 - Externship: School (8 cr) OR 
SLP 486 Externship: Medical (8 cr) 
SLP 466 - Bilingual SLP Service Provision Across Settings (1 cr) elective

Spring Quarter (2023)
SLP 485 - Externship: School (8 cr) OR 
SLP 486 - Externship: Medical (8 cr)​