Christina Warner-Metzger, PhD, is director of the Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Program. PCIT is an evidence-based treatment designed for children ages 2 to 6 with emotional and behavioral disorders. A core feature of PCIT is providing caregivers with real-time coaching during interactions with their child. The goal is to improve parent-child relationships while helping children develop positive self-esteem and prosocial skills. Dr. Warner-Metzger is 1 of 20 PCIT International Certified Master Trainers worldwide, which provides her with clinical expertise in PCIT and allows her to train others in the provision and supervision of PCIT on a larger scale. Dr. Warner-Metzger's clinical practice focuses on early childhood issues, including psychological assessment for children with developmental disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and trauma histories. Dr. Warner-Metzger's clinical and reasearch inerests include underserved populations, barriers to treatment participation, disemination efforts, disruptive behavior disorders, developmental disabilities, ASD, and trauma-informed systems. She has contributed numerous peer-reviewed and invited presentations at national and international conferences, and previously held clinical positions at the University of Tennesee Center of Excellence for Children in State Custody and University of Chicago Medicine. Dr. Warner-Metzger obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at (Southwest) Missouri State University, and her master's and doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology at Oklahoma State University. She completed her predoctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center in Memphis, Tennessee.