Graduate Research Fund Application

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Graduate Research Fund

Student application

If you are interested in applying for funding from the Graduate Research Fund, please fill out the form below and submit it for review. Review each question carefully and provide complete responses.  Incomplete or incorrect applications will not be accepted.

Student information

Please enter your student ID, name, e-mail address and additional information about your student status.

Please provide the name and e-mail address of your faculty sponsor.  This person must complete the required sponsor endorsement form by the application deadline for the quarter in which you are applying (October 1st, February 1st, or May 15th). In addition, please provide the name of your graduate program director.

Will you be working with your unit to purchase expenses on this presentation or project? (Fall and Winter quarters only). Please note that this option is subject to unit discretion and requires advance permission from your program director/unit contact.

In the box immediately below, enter your expected graduation date (the date you will have completed all requirements for your program, including thesis defense):

Select a date from the calendar.

Type of Application

From the list of options presented immediately below, choose the type of funding you are seeking.


Project information

Detailed Budget (e.g. itemized list of expenses, such as conference registration = $75; Comfort Inn Hotel for 3 nights x $150 per night = $450; airfare from Chicago to New Orleans = $175 for total of $700). Please include total expected expenses but the maximum GRF Award is up to $700. In addition, a detailed Budget Justification (e.g., explaining the details of the expenses and why they are necessary for your research or presentation) is required.

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