College of Science and Health > Faculty & Staff > Faculty A-Z > Bernhard Beck-Winchatz

Bernhard Beck-Winchatz

  • Interim Director of STEM Center, Professor of Physics & Astrophysics, Graduate Program Director of Physics & Astrophysics; Campus Director of Illinois Space Grant Consortium
  • STEM Studies, Physics and Astrophysics
  • Phone: (773) 325-4545

Courses Taught

  • STEM 413: Light and Waves for Teachers
  • STEM 431: Astronomy for Teachers
  • TCH 414: Nature of Science
  • STEM 230: Introduction to Earth and Space Science with Lab>
  • STEM 231: Introduction to Earth and Space Science without Lab
  • STEM 240: Science at the Edge of Space
  • HON 225: Honors Science Topics
  • LSP 120: Mathematical and Technological Literacy I

Select Publications

Beck-Winchatz, B. 2014. Seeing the Invisible, Near and Far, Infrared Astronomy in the Classroom. The Classroom Astronomer. 19:8-12

Beck-Winchatz, B. 2014. High-Altitude Ballooning Summer Programs at the City Colleges of Chicago. Chemistry Outlook. 1:12-15

Beck-Winchatz, B. and Parra, R. 2013. Finding Out What They Really Think: Assessing Non-Science Majors’ Views of the Nature of Science. College Teaching. 61:131-137.

Beck, K., Medintz, T. and Beck-Winchatz, B. Exploring Waves in the Stratosphere. 2013. Science Scope 37(2):40-47

Potosnak, M. J., and Beck-Winchatz, B. 2013. Effectiveness of a high-altitude balloon project compared to conventional environmental science laboratory projects conducted by undergraduate students in an environmental chemistry course. In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Academic High-Altitude Conference. Upland, IN: Taylor University.

Beck-Winchatz, B., Beck, K., and Medintz, T. 2013. High-Altitude Ballooning in Middle School: Focusing on Science and Engineering Practices. In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Academic High-Altitude Conference. Upland, IN: Taylor University.

Hike-Teague, N., and Beck-Winchatz, B. 2013. High Altitude Ballooning at an International Baccalaureate High School. In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Academic High-Altitude Conference. Upland, IN: Taylor University.

Beck-Winchatz, B. 2012. What Would Eratosthenes Do With A GPS Receiver? The Classroom Astronomer. Vol 14

Branson, J. and Beck-Winchatz, B. 2012. Astrophotography from the Inner City. The Classroom Astronomer. Vol 13

Jabon, D. and Beck-Winchatz, B. 2012. Measuring the Speed of Sound with an Ultrasonic Range Finder. In Proceedings of the 3rd Academic High-Altitude Conference. Nashville:
Trevecca Nazarene University

Beck-Winchatz, B. 2012. Summer Ballooning Workshops for High School Teachers and Students. In Proceedings of the 3rd Academic High-Altitude Conference. Nashville: Trevecca
Nazarene University

Beck-Winchatz, B. Archimedes Updated - Give Me A Satellite and I'll Measure Earth's Mass! 2011. The Classroom Astronomer. Vol. 9

Beck-Winchatz, B. 2011. Measuring Galaxy Spectra for Velocities. The Classroom Astronomer, Vol. 8

Beck-Winchatz, B. 2011. Measuring the Age of the Universe in Google Sky. The Classroom Astronomer, Vol. 7

Potosnak, M., Beck-Winchatz, B., and Jabon, D. 2011. Ballooning-Related Laboratory Activities for Science Courses. Proceedings of the 2nd Academic High-Altitude Conference. Ames, IA: Iowa State University

Bobrowsky, M., Beck-Winchatz, B., and Birriel, J. J. 2011. Demonstrations For Astronomy Classes and Public Outreach. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 443.

Margon, B., Beck-Winchatz, B., Homer, L., Pooley, D., Bassa, C. G., Anderson, S. F., Lewin, W. H. G., Verbunt, F., Kong, A. K. H., and Plotkin, R. 2010. Cataclysmic Variables and Other Compact Binaries in the Globular Cluster NGC 362: Candidates from Chandra and HST, in International Conference on Binaries, AIP Conference Proceedings 1314, ìBinary Star Evolution: Mass Loss, Accretion, and Mergers," Mykonos, Greece, June 22-25, 2010, ed. V. Kalogera & M. van der Sluys (Melvillle: American Institute of Physics), pp. 163-168, 2010

Beck-Winchatz, B. 2010. High-Altitude Ballooning at DePaul for Students at Many Educational Levels. Proceedings of the 1st Academic High-Altitude Conference (AHC). Upland, IN: Taylor University

See CV for more.