College of Science and Health > Faculty & Staff > Faculty A-Z > Olya Glantsman

Olya Glantsman

  • ​​​​​​​​

  • Program Director, Community Psychology MS Program; Sr. Professional Lecturer
  • ​​​​​PhD

  • Psychology

  • 773-325-4771
  • ​Byrne Hall, 560


BA, Psychology and Sociology & Anthropology, Lake Forest College, 2001
MA, Community Psychology, DePaul University, 2005 
PhD, Community Psychology, DePaul University, 2013 

Major Areas of Interest
  • Cultural diversity
  • Improving academic settings for students and faculty
  • Food and housing insecurity on college campuses
  • Migration and diaspora
  • Community Psychology values
  • Teaching of Psychology
Representative Sample of Publications

Books & Book Chapters

Glantsman, O., & McConnell, E. A. (2021). Community psychology values in action: Collaborative research to support community social justice work. In Wong, M.S., Weiner, L., Cerniak, J., & Yee, L.T.S. (Eds.), Incorporating diversity in classroom settings: Real and engaging examples for various psychology courses. (Vol 2: Intersectionality) (pp. 221-226). Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology website:

Jason, L. A., Glantsman, O., O’Brien, J. F., & Ramian, K N. (2020). Introduction to Community Psychology Module. The NOBA Project.

Jason, L. A., Glantsman, O., O'Brien, J. F., & Ramian, K N. (2019). Introduction to Community Psychology: Becoming an agent of change. Rebus Foundation.​​

Berardi, L., Glantsman, O., & Whipple, C. R. (2019). Stress and Coping. In Jason, L. A., Glantsman, O., O’Brien, J. F., & Ramian, K N. (Eds.), Introduction to community psychology: Becoming an agent of change. Rebus Foundation.​

Viola, J. J. & Glantsman, O. (2017). Diverse career opportunities in Community Psychology. Society for Community Research and Action Book Series with Oxford University Press.

Glantsman, O., McMahon, S. D., & Njoku, M. G. C. (2015). Developing an undergraduate Community Psychology curriculum: A case example. In M. G. C. Njoku, C. C. Anieke, & P. J. McDevitt (Eds.), Frontiers in education: Advances, issues, and new perspectives. ABIC Books.

Peer-Reviewed and Other Publications

Glantsman, O., McGarity-Palmer, R., Swanson, H. L., Lancaster, K. M., Zinter, K. E., Carroll, J. T., & Berardi, L. (2022). Risk of food and housing insecurity among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(6), 2726-2745. In Special Issue: COVID-19 and Vulnerable Population Volume/Section 1

Glantsman, O., & Jason, L. A. (2020). Exploring community psychology value congruence in academic settings. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 11(4), 1-14.

Keys, C., Glantsman, O., McMahon, S., & Jason, L. (2019). Developing an undergraduate community psychology program in a graduate institution. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 10(2).

Jason, L. A., Glantsman, O., O'Brien, J., Ramian, K., & Hochberg, L. (2019). Giving it away: The undergraduate challenge. The Community Psychologist, 52(1), 31-33.

Bauer, H. M., Glantsman, O., Hochberg, L., Turner, C., & Jason, L. (2017). Community psychology coverage in introduction to psychology textbooks. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 8(3).

Majer, J. M., Glantsman, O., Palmer, J., & Jason, L. A. (2015). Predictors of abstinence self-efficacy: Examining the roles of HIV-risk sexual behavior and incarceration histories among ex-offenders. Journal of Social Service Research, 41, 39-48.

Douglas, J., Glantsman, O., Brown, K., K., Lemke, M., Johnson-Hakim, S., Wolff, T., & Meissen, G. (2014). SCRA community psychology practice council: Summit on community psychology practice II. The Community Psychologist, 47(2).

Brown, K. K., Cardazone, G., Glantsman, O., Johnson-Hakim, S., & Lemke, M. (2014). Examining the guiding principles in Community Psychology practice from students' perspectives. The Community Psychologist, 47(1), 3-9.

Lien, A., Rowley, R., Long, S., Dworkin, E., Thai, N., Glantsman, O., Barlow, J., & Grohe, H. (2014). Social justice in the classroom: Teaching controversial topics. The Community Psychologist, 47(1).

Flores, S., Jason, L. A., Adeoye, S. B., Evans, M., Brown, A., & Belyaev-Glantsman, O. (2013). The evolution and growth of the Eco-Community Psychology Conferences. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 4(2), 1-8. 

Belyaev-Glantsman, O., Jason, L. A., & Ferrari, J. R.  (2009). The relationship of gender and ethnicity to employment among adults  residing in communal-living recovery homes. Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery, 4, 92-99.

Belyaev-Glantsman, O., Aase, D., Adams, M., & Jason, L. A. (2007). The need for transformative change. The Community Psychologist, 40, 91-92.

Olson, B. D., Viola, J., Jason, L. A., Davis, M. I., Ferrari, J. R., Rabin-Belyaev, O. (2005). Economic costs of Oxford House inpatient treatment and incarceration a preliminary report. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 31, 61 – 70.

Pokorny, S. B., Jason, L. A., Helzing, D. M., Sherk, J., Rebus, P. J., Kunz, C., Rabin-Belyaev, O., Ostergaard, A., Mikulski, K., & Ji, P.Y. (2005). Efficient and effective uses of technology in research. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 29, 7-27.

Ji, P. Y., Pokorny, S. B., Blaszkowski, E., Jason, L. A., & Rabin-Belyaev, O. (2002). Examining risks for minors participating in tobacco purchase attempts. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 24, 77-85.
