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CME Network 11 Work

​​​​​Chicago P12 Math Collaborative - Chicago Public Schools and DePaul STEM Center

Overarching Goals 
  • Build leadership capacity in the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) through a shared vision and distributed leadership within the Chicago mathematics community.
  • Build and expand capacity to provide powerful mathematics instruction grounded in the Teaching for Robust Understanding of Math (TRU Math) Dimensions and in alignment with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) in Networks, schools, and classrooms.
  • Establish communities of learners and practitioners.
  • Improve student outcomes and success in mathematics.

Network 11 Professional Learning Supports 2016-2019​

Network 11 graphics 

The TLIs provided three cycles of district-wide professional learning centered on high-quality mathematics instruction aligned to the CCSSM. In SY16-17, a new cohort of Teacher Leaders (Cohort 2) began a three-year sequence of learning at the TLIs.

DePaul University supported 30 PK-5 Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 Teacher Leaders from 14 Network 11 schools. The PLCs met once after each TLI for 3 hours after school. The objective of the PLCs was to deepen learning from the TLIs, and to foster collaborative communities of learners around mathematics instruction.

DePaul University supported 14 school math teams that consist of PK – 8 Teacher Leaders (Cohort 1 and 2) and an Administrator. The MTLCs met two or three times a year for 3 hours after school. The objective of the MTLCs was to provide teams with time to reflect on the implementation of professional learning, and to make plans to integrate learning through school-based cycles of collaborative practice. The MTLCs also provided time for schools to share successes with one another.

DePaul University facilitated two professional learning sessions each year on the district math vision from an administrator perspective. Information on the district TLIs and other deeper supports was also provided.  

DePaul University provided coaching in eight Network 11 schools. Coaching sessions took place at least once after each TLI. Collaborative coaching brought teachers together to plan, observe, and debrief a lesson or portion of a lesson. All coaching focused on the implementation of district-wide professional learning.